Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ultimate Frisbee

Reed has played ultimate frisbee all four years at CSW; this spring was the last hurrah. Here are some photos from the season.  Reed was the only senior on the team, which worried Reed for the first couple of weeks, but once things got going it all went well.

My camera is worthless for sports photography, but luckily the dad of one of Reed's teammates is a fabulous shot with a camera, and he shared a bunch of his photos-- here is a sampling:

And a few more photos -- these are from the NEPSUL tournament at Mount Hermon back in May.

It was a perfectly lovely day for a frisbee tournament, so we dropped Reed off to catch the bus at CSW, then got into the car with Bingo and drove out to Northfield Mount Herman.   The dog was mostly(?) well behaved (only threw up once on the drive there) and did enjoy poking around on the side of the field and begging for attention/hugs/scratching.  Photos:

The CSW team did reasonably well -- they lost their match against Concord but beat a bunch of other teams. I think they all had a good time as well, it was fun to watch them play...