Monday, January 26, 2009

Attack of the Peculiar British Dishes

Amy and I were invited to a Burns Night dinner this past weekend at the house of one of Ethan's classmates. It was a very nice dinner indeed, although the centerpiece of the meal was, of course, haggis. This was actually the first time I had ever been served the dish, so made an honest effort to ingest as much of it as I could. Amy chose to bathe her portion with whiskey, but I decided that I would just have it plain this time around (mental note for next time: try the booze). The particular haggis that we ate was a McSweens, which from what I hear is a fairly authentic and even somewhat upscale rendition of the dish, so I suppose that's a good thing. Verdict? Hmm, I think I may stick with the nice British sausages here...

Meanwhile, on the vegetable front, I bought my first bag of Purple Sprouting Broccoli at the Cambridge farmer's market stand this morning. It's definitely a weird name-- every time I hear it for some reason it makes me think of the Monster Raving Loony political party. From what I have been able to find by looking online, PSB has a long history (the Romans apparently grew it) and has recently begun enjoying a sort of renaissance in England. It has a distinct season (winter only) and is very "local"-- all of the PSB you find in stores is grown in the UK. I nibbled a little bit on the way home (not terribly exciting so far); I'll wait to wait and see how it turns out tonight at the dinner table.

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