Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Liverpool vs A.S. Roma

Amy gave me a couple of soccer tickets for my birthday: Liverpool vs AS Roma, playing at Fenway Park of all places. I took Ethan to go see it -- Amy was not interested and Lydia was away at summer camp. Ethan drove us in to Boston; we decided to park at the Prudential and walk from there. Very warm; the weather forecast was for thunderstorms that evening, so I brought jackets, but in fact we didn't need them.

Fenway is a weird place to take in a soccer game-- you look up and think "Baseball park" and then look down and there are a bunch of guys running around kicking a soccer ball. Takes a while to get used to.

Skrtl getting ready to make a pass:

The selfie (photobombed by Ethan of course):

Nil nil -- of course...

Very low-key game; pretty much all of the starters for Liverpool were on the bench, including Gerrard, Johnson, Sturridge, Sterling, Reina, and a bunch of others. Luis Suarez was of course not there, having been traded to Barcelona. The only big-name players I recognized were Coutinho (who put on a good show) and Skrtl. A couple of the second-tier Brits played very well (Ibe). Still, it was a spirited game, with nice passing and some good attacking play, mainly on the part of Roma. The crowd was very heavily in the Liverpool camp; lots of red jerseys, only a few visible Roma supporters. Fun stuff!

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