Saturday, November 8, 2014

Andover/Exeter Cross Country

Amy and I drove up to Exeter to watch Ethan and the rest of the PA cross country running team take on their rivals, Phillips Exeter. Weather was absolutely wretched-- overcast, very cold, drizzling. I was very glad for all the layers I had on.

Exeter is a very strong team; Andover definitely had their work cut out for them. Here is Ethan at the mid-way point, with a big lead over the second runner:

Final stretch:

After the race:

Ethan finished first, with a time of about 15:49 (a new PB, first race under 16 mins). Results here.

Alas, the team did not do so well. Exeter won the race in an absolute squeaker (27-29), blech. Ethan gave his absolute best, however, and the team put up a good showing in spite of the final result.

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