Sunday, February 22, 2015


2015 has been a truly punishing winter from the snow perspective -- we are up to 100 inches of snowfall so far, and we're not even through Feburary. Definitely the snowiest winter I have ever been through, bar none. Photos from the first big snowstorm:

Lydia was a huge help this winter on the shoveling front -- she always did her share, and never complained:

Back in Jan you could still sort of see our mailbox:

Between the storms: serious cold. Many weeks we never got above freezing (or anywhere near it), so no snow melting to speak of.

Here we are on the second big snowstorm (or was this the fourth? can't even remember). I myself managed to miss the third one (24") since I was away visiting in California; Lydia and Amy had to do all the shoveling on their own. Pix:

Our poor mailbox has been whacked by the snowplow and is now just sort of stuck in the snowbank, off to one side. I am going to wait for a while to repair it (not especially looking forward to digging it out):

View from the front porch. If you are familiar with what it normally looks like, this will give you a sense for how deep the snow is:

Photos from this morning (Feb 22). Upon hearing dire threats of rain this weekend, I spent several hours yesterday shoveling the roof (weird experience), throwing down vast quantities of white stuff and a ton of ice. Just to be contrary I also decided to shovel our front walk, although I left in a snow tunnel just for good measure:

View from the front porch again, this time after shoveling:

And last but not least -- short snow video.

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