Monday, July 6, 2015

More Day Hikes in Corvara

A few more photos from last night: hungry teenagers waiting for dinner to finish cooking...

... and here is the aforementioned dinner, in the process of being cooked. The grocery store had these wonderful small slabs of cured ham; we bought one and used it to make a pasta dish. It actually requires a certain amount of elbow grease to slice it up into small matchsticks suitable for the dish...


Today we split apart into two factions -- the kids and I did another day hike organized by Colletts, and Amy decided to do a more low-key hike on her own.

Amy's hike took her down the river valley to the town of La Villa, where she caught a cable car up the mountain, then walked along the ridge south and back into Corvara. Photos:

The Colletts hike that the kids and I took involved taking a bus up over a pass to the south towards Arabba, stopping at the tiny town-let of Varda, then hiking north back up onto the big plateau that is just to the east of Corvara. It was the three of us, a guide named Andy, and one of the women from  our hike yesterday (her husband decided to do the "hard" hike today, so they split up as well).

Very steep uphill for the first part of the hike, lots of huffing and puffing (except for the kids). We finally came up out of the trees and got nice views to the south of the ridge there, then the Marmolata peak behind that (one of the tallest in the Dolomites according to Andy). We also had a quick glimpse of a couple Chamois running along the ridge higher up -- a mom and her baby, it looked like. Lovely fields of flowers once we got up out of the trees, very lovely. Warm but not quite as hot as yesterday. We lunched at Hutte Injiza, a smallish place in a valley down below Pralongia where we were yesterday. Final third of the hike back to Corvara was along a trail that we had done coming up yesterday, so maybe a bit less interesting. We did get some nice views of the paragliders off to the west.

Looking south towards Arabba:

Kids look fresh as daisies after the steep uphill:

Meanwhile I was a bit sweaty:

The Sela Massif (view to the west):

View to the southeast:

Andy and Jennie:

This is looking south -- Jennie had actually done a climb along this ridge a few years back (it sounds pretty cool):

Kids way ahead:

This is a signature shot by Ethan -- nature closeup:

More sun block!

Panorama looking north:

The gang:

Looking south again. Here you can really see Marmolata:

Lovely lilies:

We made it back to the apt around 2, had some down time and started getting packed for our hut-to-hut jaunt tomorrow.

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