Sunday, August 2, 2015

Swimming at Buttermilk Falls

Visiting my mom in Vermont this weekend...

Yesterday morning around 9:30 or so we piled into the car and drove down to Buttermilk Falls, a swimming hole that I had heard about a while back but never tried to visit before. We picked up Sue along the way at the Tinmouth church (kidnapped her from the remainder of her rehearsal in fact) and then drove east through Wallingford and then south along rt 140 until we were almost in Ludlow (it is abiut a 45 min drive).

Buttermilk falls is a series of 3 smallish waterfalls on a small river near Okemo National Forest; the pools are not very deep (most of them) but the water is nice (definitely on the cool side). Photos:

Very nice swim. The last waterfall we visited had a place where you could swim up underneath the fall itself and let it "massage" your head and shoulders (kind of neat).

In the afternoon we went to see a performance of Guys and Dolls at the Weston playhouse -- it was a terrific show (great singing and dancing).

Fun weekend!

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