Saturday, August 17, 2019

Empty Nest

Amy and I dropped Oscar off at UVM this past weekend.  Left the dog at home; I am sure he would have enjoyed being included, but it would have made the logistics a lot more complicated, since we we were driving up the night before and then staying in a motel.

For Oscar the college experience kicked off with "Trek" -- an outdoor adventure program thing where you go hiking in a group of your fellow classmates. Some photos from the drop-off below. The first step is getting your hiking gear inspected to make sure you have enough of the right clothing etc (and are not bringing heavy stuff you won't need). You then deposit your pack at the table corresponding to the group you're going with (some of the group names were fairly entertaining). After that it's off to your dorm to pick up your key, dump your various belongings into your dorm room, do a little frantic setup, return your key, and then come back to the student center to rejoin your group.

Drop-off area:

Gear inspection for Oscar, which he passed with flying colors:

Trek group tables:

My favorite was "Justices of the Supreme Spork" :-).

Listening to the final blurbs:

Amy and I gave Oscar a hug, then made our way back to the car. Stopped for brunch in town after that, then again at a farmer's market, which was fun; Burlington seems to be a good place for that sort of thing. After that we hit the road back home...

Empty nest -- end of an era!

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