Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Cambridge, in spite of being a world-renowned center for learning with an extraordinary history of academic achievement, doesn't have an especially good public library system right at the moment. The main library downtown is closed for repairs, and the various branch libraries are miniscule, with tiny collections and cramped quarters. [Footnote: yes, it seems incredibly petty to grumble about something like this, but libraries are such an integral part of our family life, it's a shock when things aren't working out.] I decided that I wouldn't be put off by the small stacks, so I just went on line and requested a bunch of books from other libraries in the Cambridgeshire area. When I went in to pick up my loans yesterday, however, I wound up having to pay a one pound "transport" fee for each book. Ouch! I really miss my local library in Lexington, which I have obviously been taking for granted until now. You know don't know how good you've got it until "it" isn't around any more!

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