Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fifth grade basketball

Lydia has been participating in the 5th grade basketball program at Estabrook this winter. The games are organized and run by Jim Banks, a phys ed teacher at Estabrook for many years (now retired, but still helping with this program). The program has the kids playing games once a week; it's co-ed, and there is good participation, including kids who normally wouldn't choose to sign up for team sports. Photos:

As someone who has spent a lot of time coaching kids soccer teams, it's amazing to watch Mr Banks in action-- he has a sort of magical ability to get the kids to listen and to pay attention to what he's saying.

Not sure if basketball is going to be a long-term sport for her, but Lydia is enjoying the league so far. Her team has won about 2/3 of their games, and she gets along reasonably well with her team-mates.

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