Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Good, the Bad, and the Haut Couture

Amy is back from her assorted trips overseas, of which I am very glad. It is good to have her back.

On the bad news front, I was driving on Rt 9 in Wellesley (on my way to the dentist) and got rear-ended. The person in front of me braked for some reason (still not clear why); I was able to stop in time, but the person behind must not have seen the brake lights and ran into my car at a good clip. Nobody was injured, thank goodness. Definitely a bummer, since I've only had the car a couple of months. Pictures:

The insurance adjuster is supposed to decide on Monday whether the car is repairable.

On the bright side, Lydia found a nice dress to wear to her friend's bat mitzvah:

Amazingly this new acquisition was picked up on a shopping trip with her dad. Normally on clothes-buying trips I tend to get exhausted after the first half hour or so, but somehow I managed to hold on long enough for Lydia to pick out what she wanted.

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