Tuesday, May 7, 2013


(guest post by Amy)

I had the opportunity to watch Ethan play in an ultimate frisbee match last week when the PA team came to Lexington to play opposite Lexington High School.  Here is Ethan with some of his PA teammates:

Note one of the team members is a girl - ultimate has coed teams, much to my surprise.   Ethan usually does track and field in the spring, but this year he decided to try something new and so far he has been having a blast with it.  I have no background in the game, so I found the match puzzling to say the least (e.g., there is no referee).  Luckily there was another PA parent there watching the game who was able to explain a few of the rules to me.  Suffice it to say that ultimate has its own lingo (see this link for more info http://www.davidstarke.com/stanford/part3.html)

Ethan got to have a mini reunion with several of his former Lexington High classmates, who also play the game:

Here are some of the moments in the match:

They used a binary system to keep score - very nerdy:

PA has a good team, but Lexington's is even better, so Lexington won the match.  As part of the tradition in ultimate, the teams are supposed to sing to each other (?) at the end of the match.  Here is Ethan belting out "thrift shop"to Lexington:

A nice way to spend a sunny afternoon!

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