Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sticking Your Toe In It

This spring I managed to break the big toe on my right foot in a soccer match (third week of the season). Photo:

The break was on the terminal bone, close to the joint. Interestingly enough, for this sort of break you don't get a cast or brace or splint -- the tell you just to tape it up every day in a sort of "tube". I did this for a month, while doing my best to avoid putting too much weight on it.

This being the age of over-sharing via Facebook, Instagram, and [insert new social media site here], here is a "before" picture showing the break:

There is a tiny dark line near the joint-- I assume that is the break? I can barely see it (hard to believe it caused so much trouble). Now the "after" picture of the same spot:

Looks the same to me, but the orthopedist tells me that it is "healing nicely" and that I should be able to start using it again.

This last week I finally got the green light from the doctor that it was OK to start running again. I went running last Sat and then played a couple of hours of light soccer on Sunday... boy was I sore on Monday! Taking six weeks off from running/sprinting definitely puts you out of shape.

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