Saturday, June 13, 2015

Trip to New York With Pete and Rosana

The past six months have included much stress and anxiety on the part of Ethan's parents relating to college admissions and such things -- throughout the spring Amy and Rosana had been exchanging email and "venting" about various aspects of the whole process. They made a pact that once the dust had settled, we would get together for a weekend to talk it all over.

After comparing calenders we came to the conclusion that if it was going to happen at all, it had to happen on the weekend of June 13th (way too many other conflicts earlier in the spring, then no availability after that due to a long bike trip planned by Pete). 

Thankfully, we were able to get things arranged, so the four of us met in New York for a weekend. Joanie very kindly loaned us her apartment (she and my Dad were hosting a big party in Tyringham for Sue, so it was just the four of us). 

We stayed up late talking, had some nice restaurant meals, a couple of nice walks, and good bike ride on Sunday morning (it was a good visit overall). 

Saturday morning we headed down to the "High Line" and walked the entire length from north to south, ending at the new Whitney museum. Photos:

The northernmost section of the High Line is less built up, so you can see more of the surrounding city, bit what's there to see is mainly train yards, construction, etc.

From the middle of the line. Here there is more greenery and there are more apartments:

Artwork along the way:

Some of the apartment buildings are now nudged right up against the line (I am sure it is a desirable place to live now):

The Whitney:

More "Aht":

Yes, this is still officially the meatpacking district, however this lone outpost was the only actual meat-related business I was able to spot. I suspect that the rents are now high enough that it will all be boutiques and condos before too long...

The museum has a number of ourdoor decks and platforms where you can step out and admire the view. Looking south from the Whitney:

I like this piece:

This one is kind of cool too:

Something very New York about this painting:

The collection was fun to look at -- they have a very wide mix of pieces, but was all very carefully arranged and the works seemed to belong together (more so than some museums I have been to).

Lunch at "Redfarm", a small-plates place in the Village.  More wandering around after that, then it was back to the apartment for a nap.

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