Monday, January 7, 2013


One of Lydia's presents from her grandparents was a cheese-making kit; she tried it out this past weekend. The two options suggested were Ricotta and Mozzarella-- the former recipe seemed a good deal simpler, but Lydia couldn't actually think of anything we could make with Ricotta that she wanted to eat, so we opted for the Mozzarella one. It worked out pretty well-- everything did was it was supposed to do, and she finished the process with a nice small brick of cheese. Photos:

Making the curds:

The (mostly) finished product. Lydia's reaction: "I can't believe that you need that much milk to make a cheese this size!".

Amy used it to make chicken "Saltimbocca" this evening, which was delicious (in addition to the mozzarella it has prosciutto and fresh sage, yum).

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